Before we get started, I most recommendNOT attempting this project in any way, chassis, or way. Apple has made this repair impossible on purpose. I did find a few cases procedures that work for removingthe back glass on an iPhone 8 and an 8 Plus, but the risks involved are fantastic andyour phone might very well end up seeming worse after the repair than it did beforeyou started. Now that we have that out of the nature, I amgoing to attempt this mend while leaving all the nerves of the phone intact. So let’s get started.[ Intro] There are a few videos online of parties usingextreme heat to remove the broken glass on their iPhones. The heat is so extreme, I figured it mightbe safer to move to the other end of the thermometer and see how cold we can get the adhesive beforeit gets brittle and loses its effectiveness so it will break off with the glass.Putting your phone in a conventional freezerfor a few cases hours will not work since a standard freezer is about zero positions Fahrenheit ornegative 18 measures Celsius And the epoxy regarding the glass to the metal inside of theiPhone is still effective at that temperature. If you are considering doing this yourself, first of all, you’re crazy, and second, make sure you watch this video all the way through. I show a good deal. My firstly attempt is with the refrigerant Igot off of Amazon. It returns the temperature down to about negative6 0 degrees Fahrenheit Tetrafluoroethane is the chemical used inside of this spraying, andit can displace oxygen, means that if usage it in an area that’s not well ventilate, you might suffocate and die. So try to avoid that side. The can was inexpensive and seems to be workingfor the most part. You can be found in the frost start to accumulateover top of the glass as the temperature drops-off. The lower the temperature, the less holdingability the adhesive has under the glass.Remember, right now we’re working at aboutnegative 60 grades Fahrenheit Security glass are pretty mandatory since glass is basicallygoing everywhere, so that negative 60 is working, but it’s still taking longer than I wouldlike. After about 10 hours I’ve only cleared 20% of the glass. Hit that agree button if you haven’t alreadyand let’s take this fixing to the next level with a safety liquid that’s much much colder. Liquid nitrogen is involved in our next attemptat removing the glass in the back of an iPhone, but don’t freak out because it’s actuallynot that hard to get a braced of. Luckily I’m pretty good friends with the Kingof Random over here, and he has a good supply. But Grant, tell us where people can get liquidnitrogen on their own if there is a requirement to some.[ Grant] If you guys want to get some liquidnitrogen, it’s actually super easy to get.It would be a lot closer than you think ifyou get on Google or Yellow Pages if anybody gives that anymore. Look for a welding and gas give firm. They’re probably going to have some. The only qualifier is you’re going to needsome safe way to bring. So you’re going to need something like a Dewar, spelled D-E-W–AR. A Dewar. It’s mostly a glorified isolated thermosmade for liquid nitrogen. So if you have one of those , no grants arerequired and it expenses you about$ 5 per liter. If you go in there with something like a thermos, you can pick up one of these for perhaps $10 or $20. My firstly one was$ 5 at Walmart. Depending on the person you talk to, theymay let you take some liquid nitrogen.[ Zack] There’s no guarantee this is goingto work, but gigantic thanks to the King of Random for aiming this experimentation with me. Let’s see what happens.[ Scalding water bangs][ Zack] Alright, so now the phone is able tosit inside of the liquid nitrogen and hopefully it gets to temperature.We want that back body and the metal to beabout the same. And I can listen the glass cracking. Hopefully that’s the epoxy or the adhesiveunderneath the glass and the metal. Whoa.[ Zack] Alright, exactly going it back to temperatureagain. Keep in head that there is clear adhesiveon the front of the phone accommodating the front glass to the LCD, which is also affected byliquid nitrogen.I’m making sure to only grant the back ofthe phone to dip into the liquid so the screen doesn’t get destroyed. As the liquid nitrogen evaporates into justregular nitrogen, it’s a dielectric gas, meaning it won’t affect the internals of the phone. The extreme cold, on the other hand, might. Liquid nitrogen is negative 321 grades FahrenheitSo continuing the fluid off the internal circuits as much as possible is important. There are specific cryogenic machines thatcirculate liquid nitrogen under a metal slab stirred solely for cell phone repair. So if you have a repair shop and are doingthis on a regular basis, you might want to invest in one of those. It’s a little more controllable than the pureliquid. It made about 7 minutes to remove all theglass from the iPhone using this liquid nitrogen. Much quicker than the Tetrafluoroethane. The camera frame is welded to the metal frameof the iPhone and it might be possible to preserve this, but since my lens was alreadycracked from a previous descend exam, I’ll only crush out the lens with my pliers.Replacement lenses are pretty inexpensiveon Amazon. I am removing the camera lens last-place becauseglass junk can get inside the visual likenes stabilization mechanism and cause the focusto stop working. Like I mentioned before, there is quite abit that can go wrong during this operation. Luckily the phone still runs and turns on. Thumbs up for that. The lithium battery does need to get backto room temperature before it will behave like ordinary. So we were successful in removing the backglass panel. What do you think about that?[ Grant] I think it examinations crazy. You know, I nearly feel like you should justtake some epoxy and meet see-through epoxy and just keep the phone that highway cuz that’sa pretty intense seem. I’m actually really surprised that it turnedback on. I want liquid nitrogen I wasn’t so worriedabout, I was just worried about the standards of this phone. Blown away that it’s working.[ Zack] So what do think…with the liquidnitrogen inside of the phone, are we more worried about the contacts like the solderpoints, or the artillery being disrupted by the liquid nitrogen? What’s the weakest site inside with coldtemperatures?[ Grant] I honestly reflect contraction is probablygoing to be the weakest item because liquid nitrogen itself isn’t going to damage anything.It’s not going to affect chemically anythinginside of the phone. All it’s going to do is contract. It’s going to freeze things to the point wherethey contact. So if there’s anything in here that’s breakable, like maybe solder degrees, if they get too cold, they could snap. But it wouldn’t be because of the chemicalreaction at all. So I adore playing with liquid nitrogen forthat reason. It’s very non-toxic itself, so particularly noncorrosive. It doesn’t do any injury. It’s like use pure booze on this thing formerly it’s gone, it’s gone .[ Zack] Well, if you have not seen it, GrantThompson has has been unable to offset liquid nitrogen in his vault. I will relate that video here. Now let’s see what happens when we take itto the opposite end of the temperature range and use heat to try to remove the back glasspanel.[ Zack] This time I’ll be working on a crackediPhone 8 Plus. Apple’s out of guaranty restore for this pieceof glass is currently an senseles $399. We’ve seen that Apple’s epoxy looses its effectivenessas the temperature ceases past negative 100. Now let’s see what temperature the iPhoneepoxy starts to liquefy at the other end of the temperature range utilizing heat. Once again, while iPhones might exist theextreme temperatures during the short reparation, there is still plenty that can go wrong, soI don’t recommend do any of this to your phone.It’s much safer precisely to put your phone ina case or slap a skin on it to hide the cracks, and exactly claim “youve never” put it. And if you’re mad that iPhones aren’t repairable, vote with your purse and get something else. One thing I did wrong with this phone is Ipulled off the camera lens too early, exposing the fragile plastic sensors to heat and glassdust early on. If I ever do this again, the camera lens shouldcome off last.I spotted this sweet spot to liquefy the adhesivearound 350 degrees Fahrenheit just hot enough to melt your fingers off and startyour house on fire. When Steve Jobs and Apple were designing thefirst iPhone, they specific sealed it slammed because Steve Jobs didn’t want peoplefiddling around inside their telephones , not even to change the battery. So this new, unrepairable glass motif isright on par with what Steve would have wanted if he were still here.I learned a lot about Steve Jobs from hisbiography on Audible, which I’ll attach down in the video description if you’re into thatkind of thing. The person might have been a bit crazy and notso nice to people who want to fix their expensive electronics, but his life story is very interesting. Audible will let you download his volume forfree with a 30 day trouble. Simply go to jerryrig. Or text the word jerryrig to 500 -5 00. Even if you cancel your trial, you get tokeep the book, it’s a win-win. I commonly listen while I’m at the gym orrunning outside during the summer months.If you remember, it made me about 7 minutesto clear the glass off the back of the iPhone 8 expending liquid nitrogen, but as of now, it’sbeen about 25 instants since I started expending the hot grease-gun. A common fuzz dryer, which I don’t own, wouldnot be near hot fairly for this project you need a heat gun. I do feel like the liquid nitrogen was a biteasier.It’s hard to keep the phone heated to thatblistering 350 degrees it takes to liquefy the adhesive under that glass coating. As soon as the temperature throws below 300, the adhesive solidifies again. After get all the glass off and lettingthe phone cool down to room temperature, I turned it on and everything is still working, lucky for us. You can be found in both phone here side by side. Now let’s get the replacement bodies backon the phones. Fun fact: Apple does not sell replacementparts for their telephones, to the general public anyway.So every glass fragment you buy is an illegalcopy. It’s not illegal to sell replacement partsfor cellphones – merely replacement parts with the Apple logo on them since that part’s trademark. I’ll still attach some of them in the videodescription though. Apple does litigate these bogu dealers intooblivion every now and then, so let me know if the link starts out of stock. Lucky for us, it’s kind of like whack-a-moleand another counterfeit seller usually makes their sit pretty quickly. I would rather buy replacement parts fromApple directly, but since they don’t allow that, now “we ii”. I came rid of the white-hot emblazon on my board andthe Apple logo since clear telephones are kind of what I do, and I can also add on the replacementcamera lens at this object with some resilient clear B-7 000 adhesive. Then I can re-adhere the whole thing downto the phone body with doubled placed strip. It’s obviously not water-resistant anymore, but that waterproofing was lost when the back was cracked either way. I think it seeks sweet. You can’t see the electronics like insideof a Samsung or LG, but it’s unique.A lot of replacement backs will come withtheir own adhesive already installed. It really depends on which supplier you’re buyingfrom. You can see how difficult it is to removethe camera lens with all the little welding places along these inner echoes, but I wasable to salvage this one off of the 8 Plus. Even if my camera contingent did get softened intooblivion, the camera sections are inexpensive, and I’ll replace that from the inside of the phoneon a different day.It’s my fault for not leaving the camera lensin place longer for safety. Not very shabby. A few scratches along the aluminum line-up fromthe vigorous glass removal, but the back glass body is now crack free. Would I ever do this again? Probably not. But at least now we know that the back glasspanel on telephones is replaceable with extreme heat or cold and abundance of blood, sweat, andtears.One of the questions you might have is doesthe wireless blaming still act? And yes, it does work on both phones. Now in my truck we can see the yellow lightcome on when the wireless charger starts interacting with the phones. And the artillery billing benchmark daddies upas well. If you recollect from the beginning of thisvideo, I have one more cracked iPhone 10, which might be fun to try with dry ice. It’s about half as cold as liquid nitrogen, but a little easier to obtain. Thanks for starting it this far in the video.I hope your phone has a long crack-free life. And don’t forget to check out Audible in thevideo description. jerryrig j-e-r-r-y-r-i-g all lowercase. You can always text the word j-e-r-r-y-r-i-gto 500 -5 00 and get the same deal. Get a free notebook and it gives you somethingto do in your free time. Thanks a ton for watching and I’ll see youaround ..
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